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  • Mon: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Tues: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Wed: Closed
  • Thurs: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
  • Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed

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Botox, Dysport or Xeomin Aftercare

About Bruising and Swelling

About 50% of people injected Dermal fillers and 10% injected with BOTOX®, Dysport® or Xeomin® will bruise. It is hard to predict who will bruise, how large or dark the bruise will be and how long it will take for the bruising to go away. Bruising may be immediate or take up to 3 days to show up. ALL BRUISING GOES AWAY! Certain areas of the face will swell more than others when treated with fillers. Lips always swell when augmented, lip swelling resolves with ice. Swelling usually resolves in 7-14 days.

Try the following to speed up the bruise healing process:

Arnica is a homeopathic remedy sold in health food stores and pharmacies. Arnica helps resolve bruising. It comes in a gel and sublingual form (tablets that melt under the tongue).

Add pineapple, blueberries, strawberries and spinach to your diet. These foods contain Bromaline a natural anti-inflammatory enzyme that will also resolve bruising.

Stop all Aspirin, Vitamin E and fish oil supplements, alcohol and red wine until bruise goes away.

Botox®, Dysport® or Xeomin®

  • NO laying down or reclining for four hours after injection
  • NO scratching or rubbing the area
  • NO bending forward for four hours
  • Do NOT put ice on areas injected
  • Exercise injected areas by making the expressions you are trying to eliminate
  • NO physical exercise, i.e. biking, running, gym classes
  • To avoid infection, makeup should not be applied to treated area for at least 2 hours after the injection
  • You may start seeing and feeling the effects of neuromodulators in 2-7 days after injection
  • Full effects of neuromodulators may take up to 2 weeks
  • Follow up in 2 weeks

Dermal Filler Juvederm®, Restylane®, Radiesse®

  • After injection, you may apply ice to the injected areas: 10 minutes on, 30 minutes off. Following this protocol for up to 6  hours will help eliminate bruising
  • Try to minimize moving areas injected with dermal filler for the rest of the day
  • Do NOT massage the injected area unless instructed. If you feel a nodule, it may be swelling or product and it will go away with healing, which can take up to two weeks. If you are concerned, call the office, or come in so we can examine you!
  • Try to sleep on your back the night after treatment
  • Avoid prolonged sun or UV exposure for two weeks
  • Avoid saunas and/or steam baths for two weeks after injection
  • Makeup and facial creams should be avoided for at least 12 hours after the injection

Silver Solutions is NOT an emergency clinic. If you feel like you are having the following, please seek treatment

  1. If you feel like you are having a life threatening reaction, please call 911
  2. If you have blanching (mottled white skin), numbness, skin cold to touch, extreme pain, extreme swelling, blurry vision, go to local urgent care or emergency room ASAP (tell them what treatments you have had)
  3. For questions NOT requiring urgent response, please call Silver Solutions. We will return your call as soon as possible.